Readers Roads


Just starting coming to your great web site and I like it. Very nice job with the site and helping to promote the sport. My name is Randy Stumman and I own 2 tracks in my house.  I have started a club called Beaverton Area Slot Car Club (B.A.S.C.C.).  I am trying to put together a summer league for this summer and seem to have a nice group of local racers. Of course, I am open for all racers in the 1/32 scale racing world.  My son, Byron, and I are very active and love the sport.  We are open all year for some fun racing.

The Underground Raceway

This is our original track. We remodeled our crawl space (yeah it is a big one as my house is on the side of a hill) just for the slot car track. We currently have a 135 foot track even for each lane on it but have had up to a 235 foot track. It is a 2 lane Scalextric Sport track using a DS light bridge and lap counter system with the stop and go box to control power to the track. I use 2 Velleman power supplies which generates 0-30 volts and 0-3 amps per lane. So each lane is individually powered as the unit as two power supplies in it.  There are power taps every 15 - 20 feet.



The track is fully decorated with scenery and only plan to add street lights in the future. The front scenery is 1/32 scale while the back scenery is 1/43 scale to give the illusion of being farther away (Same concept Disney uses in their downtown buildings) We only can race "crash and burn" style racing because the table is 12 feet wide up against the foundation.  This makes for some pretty intense racing. We have been racing for 3 years on this track.  My wife put up the wall paper in the top corners and made all the cushions for the long bench seat.

Marshall Field

This is the newest track I have. It was completed in December 2006. This is our main club track because we can marshall the track with a minimum of 3 marshals. The table top is 17 feet 6 inches long x 10 feet wide. I am using Scalextric Sport track.  The length of the course is 75 feet even for each lane.  It is a 4 lane track. 

I am using 4 Velleman power supplies, one for each lane. Same power as The Underground Raceway.  So I can control power to each lane, and there is also an emergency stop switch with power taps every 15-20 feet.  I am using the computerized lap counter system called Trackmate. The driver stations have reversing switches with braking and I have wired in switches to reverse the direction of the lap counter so it can count laps in either direction for more racing variety. The track is fully decorated with scenery that is only 1/32 scale.  The table is actually 4 custom 2x4 - 4x8 tables with 2 foot inserts sections to make up one big table.  All the garage junk fits under the tables.  My wife made the curtains for the garage and the skirting in the front of the race table.

Thanks for hosting my track. Love your site.
Randy Stumman