David Hill mailed in his track photos for the Artin Contest and Readers Roads. A nice 4 lane Artin track, powered by 2 Samlex RPS1203 13.8 volt, 5 amp power supplies, each supply runs 2 lanes. They use 25 and 45 ohm Parma Econo controllers as well. One thing worth mentioning is that he traced out the curves for the overpass over 1/4 inch plywood and cut them out. This makes for very solid support. As you can see, his 2 year old daughter is having fun, and word has it she can give Dad a run for his money!

Great Work David! This track looks to be a challenge to drive, yet has some fast areas to let you open them up a bit. The overpasses are nicely done, being fully bordered makes them look that much better.